26 July 2006

Ceiling - part 3

On Saturday, May 27-th, about 15 cubic meters of concrete made the top layer of the ceiling.
Give it at least 2 weeks to harden. During the first week I was there almost every day to water the concrete.

24 July 2006

Ceiling - part 2

My builders layed down steel-bar reinforcement on top of the filigran plates. The reinforcement was carefully planned (I got a special engeneering project for that).

16 July 2006

Ceiling - part 1

We've chosen prefabricated ceiling (so called filigran or unigran). 14 boadrs, each about 2-4 meters wide and long were mounted in less than three hours in the morning of May, 23-rd. But the ceiling is not finished.

12 July 2006

The ceiling is under way

Props and heavy machinery appeared on the construction site.
Great weather for making the ceiling.

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