16 November 2005

The Place

Welcome to a little piece of my own land in the northern Poland. There is about 800 square meters in the peaceful neghborhood.

It is a sunny noon in the beginning of September.

Looking at the place standing on the sandy road on the south-west you'll notice dried grass and plenty of weeds.

From the north-east border of the parcel you'll see my land and the road, field and some buildings far away in the background.

The neighbor's house is giving pleasant shadow but also introduces a hint of mystery in these peaceful grasslands.

The piles of wood and sand laying on the grass belongs to the other man.

In the next post you'll see the place beginning to change dramatically.


Brett and Alla Ousley said...

Great site. I am an American living in Ukraine and I know how difficult it is to get something done in Eastern Europe.

Congratulations on your new home and your hard work.


Kiev Connections


Krzysiek said...

Hello Brett, I've just found that I have your comment. What to say... thank you!
I wish you good luck! (your job is much more responsible than building a home). :)

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