13 January 2006

Enough for 2005

December 13-th.
It's the last part of work progress report this year.
I'm letting the winter to wander around for a bit more than 3 months. Then I'll ask her to leave. What now? Time to rest and think about future's home "look and feel".

11 January 2006

Kingdom for a sand!

December 12-th and 13-th.

I had no idea how much sand I need to fill in the foundation.
The large pile of soil extracted previously was not enough.
I took 9 loads of dumper to finish the work (180 tons).
I was on the building site then and these busy, noisy and cold two days there were kind of romantic experience. ;)

6 January 2006

Water is your enemy

December, 10-th.
The pace of work is fast. We must meet a winter deadline.
Photos show draining and vertical isolation of foundation.

5 January 2006

foamed polystyrene

5-th and 9-th December, early signs of winter

4 January 2006

End of November

Several photos during the period when the water isolating "something" was painted. There was high humidity and it took about a week to dry. It changed its colour form brown to black.

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